Positive Psychology Traditions and the Concept of Good Life
Psychology of problem-solving and its role in education: from Sputnik shock to the web
The heuristic role of philosophical notions in modern cognitive science Talk at the in house conference of the CEU Department of Philosophy, October 14th, 2011 Csaba Pléh
The inspirational role of the philosophy of Daniel Dennett in the empirical sciences
The Middle European Initiative in Cognitive Science: An example for inteligent cooperation on intelligent systems
The organization of human action in cognitive science and in the cinematic experience Csaba Pléh Department of Cognitive Science BME, Budapest Talk at the SCSMI Conference, Budapest, June 10th 2011
The personal and cognitive determinants of personal network size
The rivalry between competitive and cooperative models of the evolution of the mind
The Roots of the Csibra Legend
The three time birth of CogSci